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Did you know that it has been estimated that nearly 90% of all headaches are stress related? This type of tension headache has a pain that feels like a tight belt around your head and shoulders. You may also experience a tightness in your neck.

A History of Headaches

We are inclined to think that these types of headaches are the result of the fast pace and stresses of modern day life. However, it may surprise you to know that researchers have found evidence that ancient man also suffered from headaches. There is evidence that the "cure" was to drill holes in the skull to relieve headache pressure.

Possible Prevention

Here are a few safer things that you can do to eliminate the most common causes or headache triggers as they are often called:

Foods can often be a headache trigger. Some of the more common substances to avoid are:

  • alcohol: wines specifically red wines although other alcohols have also been singled out
  • nuts
  • aged cheeses
  • chocolate
  • pickled foods
  • food additives like MSG or sodium nitrates
  • Reduce daily stress-try relaxation techniques
  • Eat a healthy diet that contains the recommended amounts of nutrients
  • Eliminate caffeine-it can increase muscle tension and anxiety
  • If you smoke, STOP-smoking is thought to increase the intensity of headaches
  • Get enough sleep-fatigue can trigger headaches

Keep a headache diary - this will help identify things that trigger your headaches

A headache can be a sign that you are suffering from some overload of stress. If your pain persists or your headaches are accompanied by additional symptoms you may want to consult with a healthcare professional. Be sure to bring your headache diary with you to help identify your triggers.

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